Thursday, September 30, 2010

Smartypants Review and Ecomom Giveaway


So the lovely ladies over at Ecomom {Eco-Friendly Baby Products- EcoMom} recently sent me some Smartypants gummy vitamins to review and rate...rather, chew and rate :)

Note that I may insert here....I popped flinstone vitamins during my pregnancy, so this is a perfect product for me to review. Wait, they wanted bitty's opinion? Good thing i've been sharing!

First of all, Smartypants is a childrens {er, adults?} multivitamin and mineral supplement. They are made with and eco-friendly non-tuna sourced DHA Omega 3's and meet 100% of the US RDI of Vitamin D and includes 13 other nutrients. They are also GMP-Certified, Gluten and Casein free, and contain NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. They are made from all natural flavors and colors from natural sources.
Along with being gluten free, they are also free of yeast, wheat, milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, shellfish, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and salicylates.
Now to the ultimate taste teste.....they are better then the sunkist gels candy! Have you ever had those? I personally like them, but pretty sure they have no nutritional value. Smartypants are great tasting with NO icky vitamin aftertaste. Me and the bitty take them regularly at dinner. We have no chance of forgetting to take them because bitty reminds me about 20 times a day.

Ecomom carries a variety of products ranging from baby food to eco clothing and are all eco-mom approved, meaning they've done the research so I don't have to. I can buy from them knowing I am getting a healthy, safe, and environmentally friendly product.
Ecomom also has this great program called the EcoPass. For a $99 annual membership, you will always get a 15% discount on every order, as well as free shipping! (no minimum requirement). EcoPass pays for itself in as little as 4 orders and is only $8.25 per month.

In addition, Ecomom has offered to give you all a 15% discount on your first order! Just enter the discount code SBBL601 at the checkout. (offer will expire Oct. 31, 2010)

One lucky duck reader is going to score a $15 gift card to use at Ecomom!

[email address must be present in at least one comment]
1.Visit Ecomom and tell me what you would purchase if you win (must also be a public follower)

BONUS: {Make sure and enter a comment for each entry you are eligible, for example +2 = 2 comments}
1. Become a fan of Ecomom on facebook. +1
2. Become a fan of The Bri Hive on facebook. +1
3. Follow Ecomom on Twitter. +1
4. Grab my button and put it on your page or blog, then leave me the link. +2
5. Sign up for the Ecomom newsletter. +2

 ***Dont forget to use the discount code SBBL601 if you purchase from Ecomom!***

**This giveaway is open to US & Canada residents only. This giveaway will end on October 5, 2010 at 11:59 pm MST. Winner will randomly be selected using Winner will be contacted via e-mail and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will have to be chosen.
DISCLAIMER: While I recieved this product from Ecomom I was not compensated for reviewing it. All opinions are 100%honest and 100% my own.


  1. Ok- i have to say first of all.. i LOVE ecomom's website! i have alot of whats on there.. and am impressed with these vitamins. :)(Bri.. what did i ever do before i started looking at your blog? hehehe) here i go with the comments... Im nursing, so would like to try that nipple butter and the milkmaid tea. also love the reusable snack bags and h20 bottle!

  2. I am a fan of Ecomom on facebook already (actually before i saw i needed to be on here.. :) )

  3. I already follow the Bri Hive on facebook..

  4. Your button is on my blog...

  5. Annnd Ive signed up to recieve the newsletters from Ecomom. (very excited to find this website!!)

  6. I don't have your button but you are the top blog on my list. Once I get my site all purdy your link will have permanent home there!

  7. There is so much cutie pie stuff on there I am not sure what I would use it on yet, great site thanks for passing it on if nothing else!

  8. I also already follow you and I think that is it for what I needed to do!
    Yay!! *fingers crossed*
