Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy 5th Monthday!

I can't believe bitty #2 is already 5 months. What in the world?! I feel so fortunate to have been able to stay at home with my girls so far.

Here are her stats:

16lbs there abouts this was on my scale, not the doctors!

At her age, I was 17 lbs 9 oz WHAT IN THE WORLD I WAS HUGE!!!!

At her age, bitty #1 was UNDOCUMENTED...{yeah, I rock at this mom stuff}

She is getting quite an attitude at times, and its neat to see her personality developing (except when i'm in the check out at the grocery store and she is exercising her lungs and downright yelling at me to hurry up)

She is now wearing pretty much all 6-9 month with a few 3-6 month stragglers and is starting into straight 9 mos clothing.
She rolls from front to back and from back to front
Sits up supported {although this elicits lots of yelling as well for some reason}
Still sleeping 10-12 hours @ night
Sleeping 3-4 hours during the day between 2 naps
Laughs and giggles, especially at her sister and funny looking mom first thing in the morning :)
Watches people and tracks them across the room
Still chewing like a champ (no teeth)
Loves her overhead play gym and is starting to rip the toys off of it!
Introduced rice cereal and a few 1st foods....not a hit at the moment...again elicits more yelling
Talks and cuddles when she wakes up LOVING THIS

Some pics:

 While taking bitty #2's monthday pictures, bitty #1 was quite jealous...this is what I had to put up with. Finally I asked her to stop and she preceded to "hrmph" her way to her room in a tizzy. Following the photo shoot, I had to spend some quality time with her in the rocking chair. I explained to her that babies change and grow so fast we have to take pictures often!! When you get to be 4, you don't grow as fast. And then when you get to be mommy's age, who takes your pictures??  Anyone? Nope. Why doesn't any one take mommys picture?

 {don't mind bitty #2's mop of a hair do...she had just come in from the sprinkler....85 degrees here today!)

I guess its true, I really am 5 months old today!

1 comment:

  1. Oh this brings back memories. I wanted to be in every picture and every video my mom took of my little sister. I was quite the drama queen about it too. Must be a big sister thing :) Cute pictures and cute little girls!
