
Want your product reviewed by The Queen Bri? Me and the bittys are more then happy to try out your product and give readers the low-down.

We would love anything related to babies, kids, cloth diapering, accessories for moms, and any other helpful or useful products for parents. We hope that we can give a good review and great PR for your product.

I will post my honest opinion about your product. If I feel I am unable to provide anything positive, I will contact you prior to publishing.

The product must be physical and not off of a website. You are responsible for shipping and if you would like your product back that must be stated prior to agreement of the review. In that case you will be responsible for the return shipping as well.

In addition to a reveiw you can offer your product as a giveaway to the readers of The Bri Hive. This allows other moms to try your product and become better educated while hopefully continuing to promote it as well.

If you are interested in advertising or sponsoring this blog we would be happy to accept. We suggest family oriented products or services be advertised and reserve the right to refuse advertising to anyone we feel is unsuitable to The Bri Hive and it's readers.
If you feel you have a product that is suited for The Bri Hive and its readers, please contact me at:

 thebrihive {at} hotmail {dot} {com}