Monday, October 18, 2010

Back to it!

I don't know why its back to it, because I'll be starting work for the first time in almost 6 years. Its going to be much different then school and being at home with the girls. The good news is that after the first 3 weeks, my position will be PRN or as needed, and I will be able to pretty much set my own schedule to include the shifts and days I want. This will allow me to work as little or as much as I want, which for me will be about 24 hours a week. This will *hopefully* cover the cost of my student loans and daycare. Hrmph. The fact that I will be working solely to pay for those two things and not to finally have extra money kindof makes me sad and grumpy. Oh well. Yes Mom, I am glad I will have the ability for pay for those things at least! :)

So, this opens the door to coming home right at dinner time every night and wondering how I will manage fixing and preparing meals! I know I will have to plan ahead. Sounds simple right? And really it is, but grocery shopping has to be done in advance to have the necessary stuff to make what is planned or all of the planning goes out the front door when I open it to get the pizza from the pizza delivery guy! So here is my plan: Make 4 meals out of the 5 work days and use leftovers for lunches. The 5th day is a freebie and will be take-out/leftovers/whatever-you-can-find-thats-edible night. I know that we all fall into monotonous routines and need fresh new ideas for meals, even if they are the someone else's everyday go-to that they are sick of.

Meal One:
Brats on the grill
Baked Beans

Meal Two:
Spaghetti w/meatballs
Cesar salad

Meal Three:
Beef stir fry w/veggies

Meal Four:
Breakfast for dinner! :)
Biscuits & Gravy

This week was quick, so I have a few of the ol' staples in there....hopefully I will be branching out a little more in the future!

Thanks for all your recent words of encouragement regarding the house/job etc. Hopefully everything will go smoothly this week. Thanks to my wonderful mother in advance for coming down and watching the girls!! Not having to worry about your kids while being away is a wonderful feeling. Now just to get used to pumping at work. Any suggestions from the mama's who do this? I'm very anxious and apprehensive. What if they don't have a comfortable place to pump? Will I have to go into the bathroom? My car? Is there a plug-in there? Will I have time to eat and pump?
Wish me luck!

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