Tuesday, March 29, 2011

11 months

Someone please stop making time go by SO fast. I honestly cannot believe that Bitty #2 is 11 months today. Instead of being excited about planning a party, I am somewhat dreading it. I don't know why....I think it is because I love this age. She interacts so well, is loving, cuddly, and somewhat stationary. (Crawls everywhere, but is not really standing or pulling up, so I consider that, well, easy compared to what is coming) I guess I can wait before she starts talking(back), walking, and giving me attitude. (Much like my soon-to-be 5 year old). This age just doesn't last long enough.
Last I checked she is well over 22lbs, I have no idea about height/or head, but I'm sure both are above 50%.
She has a total of 4 teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom. She eats, and eats, and eats. Lil darlin, I'm not quite sure where she puts it all. She is still napping 3-4 hours a day (HOORAY). I didn't really know what it was to have a napper in the house, but now I do and it is very nice.
Overall, she is a laid back lil babe. Teething, however, tends to make her act more like a bear then a babe, but thankfully it doens't last forever. So heres to cupcakes, party hats & streamers. I guess we'll be having a party soon!

Oh so sweet
or not!

Of course it wouldn't be a complete monthday post without a pouty sister picture

**Sneak Peak**


  1. WHAT!!!! There is no WAY she is 11 months! Time goes by so fast, its so sad! She is an absolute cutie :)

  2. Sienna Can't wait to see you and celebrate your first birthday with you!!! Maybe you will take off walking then too like Jaylynn did while we were there for her birthday!! and JAylynn you are too cute -- growing up !! love hugs and kisses Gdma Shanda
